On June 19, 2023, the University of Prešov hosted our #SIBSU Final Conference, bringing together project partners from Slovakia and Ukraine as well as our Norwegian counterparts, whom we had the pleasure of meeting online through a special video message
Our esteemed panelists represented various sectors, from academia and NGOs to state administration bodies Their collective expertise and perspectives shed light on the remarkable achievements made through the SIBSU project.
We were also privileged to welcome the ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Ukraine, Marek Šafin, whose presence added even more significance to the conference.
The conference was structured into three engaging panels, each addressing different aspects of the project. In one panel, we took a moment to reflect on the journey we embarked on together during the project's implementation. We celebrated our successes, reminisced about the valuable experiences we shared, and discussed the current situation. It was a heartfelt acknowledgment of the collaborative efforts that brought us to this point.
Additionally, the researchers who worked tirelessly on the SIBSU project shared their invaluable research findings, providing participants with profound insights into the subject matter. The exchange of best practices for introducing and teaching Border Studies was another focus of the conference.
We firmly believe that SIBSU project holds the potential to create the positive change we worked for.
We would like to extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude to every individual involved in the SIBSU project. Your dedication, hard work, and collaboration have been the driving forces behind our accomplishments. Together, we have made a difference.
The final conference is organized by the Bureau of the Border and Foreign Police of the Presidium of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Foreign Policy Association in cooperation with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Regional Risks Analytics Center, Norwegian partner Åpenhet as well as the University of Prešov, and Uzhhorod National University.

On Monday, June 19, the Final Conference of the SIBSU Project will take place at the University of Prešov (Hall no. 103).
Aim of the final conference: ✓ presentation of the results of the project;
✓ presentation of the results of the research carried out within the project with the participation of broad research team including experts from the University of Prešov and the Uzhhorod National University;
✓ exchange of best practices on the introduction and teaching of the subject ‘Border Studies’ and related
subjects related to cross-border cooperation between the Institute of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of
the University of Prešov and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Uzhhorod National University.
The conference will be held in Slovak and Ukrainian languages. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

You can also join the SIBSU Final Conference via the Zoom platform.
When: Jun 19, 2023 09:30 AM
Topic: SIBSU Final Conference
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 135739
Webinar ID: 896 1631 6144
How can Uzhhorod and Mukachevo help the development of the regions of Eastern Slovakia?
SFPA expert Alexander Duleba explains how the development of cross-border cooperation with Ukraine would bring better hospitals, schools and more money for entrepreneurs to the local population.
Since last year, 128 foreign police officers have arrived in Slovakia under the European agency Frontex to help manage the influx of refugees from Ukraine. Some have been surprised by the difficulty of serving in the difficult mountainous terrain of the Slovak-Ukrainian border. As part of border surveillance, they often had to climb steep sections three times a day, which was not easy for everyone.
Robert Gucký, the director of the border police, explains the details and adds what equipment the foreign policemen brought with them. On the other hand, Slovak policemen also go on foreign missions within Frontex. Robert Gucký describes how they handle escalated situations with migrants at the external Schengen border in Hungary or the Balkans.
Modern drones have brought a big change to the functioning of the smuggling business on the Slovak-Ukrainian border. Small buzzing machines mainly carry cigarettes across the green line.
But could they also transport a human? What are their technical limitations and where is development headed?
Questions were answered by Professor František Duchoň and Doctor Jozef Rodina from the Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava in an interview with Eva Mihočková, editor-in-chief of the portal www.zahranicnapolitika.sk
From March 29 to April 5, as part of the SIBSU project, we organized a study trip for ten representatives of the border service of Ukraine, ÚHCP Slovakia, and partners in Norway.
The aim of the study trip was to ensure the exchange of experience, best practices or procedures between Slovak, Ukrainian and Norwegian partners, to facilitate networking of representatives of the border services of Slovakia, Ukraine and Norway or to communicate current challenges and responses to them.
The participants held meetings in Oslo at the National Police Immigration Service, the National Coordination Center for Border Management, the Police Academy, or in the north of Norway (Kirkenes) with the Border Commissioner, the head of the Stroskog border crossing, the port in Kirkenes, or representatives of Civil Defense.
Last week, a discussion was held at the University of Prešov on the topic "Border and its impact on socio-economic development". The purpose of the moderated discussion, which was attended by approximately 60 students and representatives of the University was to present and exchange Slovak and Ukrainian experiences with border management, as well as to discuss various aspects of the impact of border on the management, life, and development of border regions.
What changed in connection with the border during the pandemic and in connection with the war in Ukraine, how conditions at the border changed during the migration and humanitarian crisis, project intentions, cross-border cooperation, and the development of border regions were discussed by:
Alexander Duleba, head of the Eastern Europe program, Slovak Foreign Policy Association, University of Prešov, PO
Milada Bucseková, Border Police Department, ÚHCP SR
Jana Nimrichtová, Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic, CÚ Michalovce
Svitlana Mytryayeva, Center for Regional Risk Analysis
Oleksandra Kazimirchuk, Head of Inspection, Border Service of Ukraine
Thank you all for participating!

The week-long stay of three researchers from Uzhhorod National University at the University of Prešov ended on March, 19.
The University of Prešov is the only university where the subject Border Studies is accredited.
During their stay at the University of Prešov, which is the only university where the subject Border Studies is accredited,
the researchers became familiar with the teaching of the subject so they can apply the knowledge gained in practice after returning home.

The last round of language crash courses took place from March 13 to March 17 in Zemplínska Šírava.
During the whole week, representatives of the Slovak and Ukrainian border police and the customs control again had the chance to improve their language skills in the Slovak and Ukrainian languages.
We hope that the four rounds of language courses have successfully contributed to streamlining the communication of members of the Slovak and Ukrainian border police and customs services with persons
crossing the borders of both countries and with each other when performing work at the borders.
We thank all the partners, our excellent lecturers, and all participants.

On March 16, the University of Prešov hosts a discussion on the topic of Border and its impact on socio-economic development.
The purpose of the moderated discussion will be the presentation and exchange of Slovak and Ukrainian experience with border management, as well as a discussion of various aspects of the influence of the border on the management, life and development of border regions.
The discussion will take place in Slovak and Ukrainian languages - consecutive interpretation will be provided.
The week-long stay of three female researchers from Uzhhorod National University at the University of Prešov also begins on Monday, during which they will get to know the teaching of the subject Border Studies (the University of Prešov is the only one where the subject Border Studies is accredited.)
Program (SK)
In February, workshops were held for members of the border police and financial administration from
Slovakia and Ukraine.
The workshops were divided into five days and six thematic areas focused on the processes of border control,
joint patrols and customs control at the common border, European Border Surveillance System, cooperation
with the Frontex agency, the use of IT technologies, and the fight against illegal border crossings, migration,
and smuggling of goods.
For each of the topics, lecturers from both countries gave presentations containing theoretical knowledge
and practical experience. We are glad that we could also welcome our Norwegian partner in the project Åpenhet together with two representatives of the Norwegian border police who came to share their experiences
and best practices.
We are currently implementing the activity no. 8 of the SIBSU project, the aim of which is to launch a cooperation
between the University of Presov and the Uzhhorod National University.
Both institutions will allow their experts to exchange experience, information, and plans in the field of cross-border cooperation. As part of the project, experts and researchers from the University of Presov will share with their Ukrainian colleagues their experience in teaching the subject 'Border Studies' focused on the research of borders and subjects related to cross-border cooperation. The University of Presov is the first in Slovakia where the subject 'Border Studies' is accredited.
The stay of two experts from the University of Presov in Uzhorod is currently underway. It will be followed by the stay
of three experts from Uzhhorod in Presov, during which, in addition to meetings and discussions about the start of classes at the Uzzhorod National University, they will also participate in block classes on the subject.
Members of the border police and financial administration from Slovakia and Ukraine participated in another round of language crash courses from January 23 to January 27, 2023.
Once again the course participants had the opportunity to strengthen their language skills in the Slovak/Ukrainian language in order to be able to communicate more effectively with their cross-border colleagues and with people entering both countries through common borders.

At the beginning of December, humanitarian aid was delivered to our Ukrainian partner in the SIBSU project - the Regional Directorate of the State Border Service of Ukraine in Chop. Humanitarian aid was provided by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, the Office of the Border and Foreign Police, the Regional Risk Analysis Center, Uzhhorod, and Åpenhet.
Aid in the form of sleeping bags and winter boots was provided based on the specific request of the Ukrainian partner.
We would like to to thank the civic association Podaj ďalej Prešov, which helped with the successful delivery.

On November 9, a discussion was held at the Uzhgorod National University on the subject of the Border and its impact on socio-economic development.
The purpose of the discussion was the presentation and exchange of Slovak and Ukrainian experience with border management, the exchange of experience with teaching the border-related subject "Border Studies" and subjects related to cross-border cooperation at the University of Prešov, which is the first in Slovakia where Border Studies are accredited, as well as a discussion of various aspects of the impact of the border on the life and economy of the border regions.

On September 27, a midterm workshop of the project SIBSU - Safe and inclusive border between Slovakia
and Ukraine was held as part of the Days of Ukraine event at Kulturpark, Košice.
In addition to the presentation of the activities and the state of their implementation, we discussed with the representatives of the Ukrainian and Slovak border regions the concrete analytical outputs of the project
and the plans of the implementers for the future.
The project was presented by representatives of the Bureau of the Border and Foreign Police, SFPA, RRAC,
as well as the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic.
As part of SIBSU project activity no. 1, the first four manuals regarding the best practices of representatives
of the Slovak and Ukrainian border police and the customs administration were published. The publications cover topics related
to the use of technologies in the process of customs control, current trends in the detection of illegal import and export of cash, human trafficking, and current trends in the training of service dogs of the financial administration to detect illegal import of goods.

Alexander Duleba from the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) points out that the Slovak-Ukrainian border
has a huge untapped potential for joint projects that could bring a new quality of life to people on both sides
of the border.
The war in Ukraine, of course, changed all plans, but the space for the development of close cross-border cooperation
is still there. Slovak municipalities could develop a number of useful projects with Ukrainian regions in the field
of public transport, tourism, education, business, and other sectors.
You will find out in the attached video interview why such cooperation does not work today, and how it is
with the current level of corruption in Ukraine, which is an obstacle to the development of economic relations.
The interview took place within the project Safe and Inclusive Border SK-UA (SIBSU).
The project is implemented by the Border and Alien Police Office in cooperation with the Border Service
of Ukraine, SFPA, the Uzhhorod Regional Risk Analysis Center, and the Norwegian partnerApenhet (transparency).
In recent years, Ukraine adopted a number of reforms that brought it closer to EU standards in the areas of democracy, rule of law, economy, and trade. However, it is still a country where higher mistrust of banks and concerns about exchange rate risk persisted. 'That's why many people kept a lot of money in cash even if it was completely legal,' explains Andrej Leontiev, an advocate from Taylor Wessing Slovakia.
How is the origin of money proven at a time when war is raging in Ukraine? And why is cash in the suitcase for many Ukrainians literally a necessity for survival in Slovakia? You can find out in the attached video interview.
The interview took place within the project Safe and Inclusive Border SK-UA (SIBSU). The project is implemented by the Border and Alien Police Office in cooperation with the Border Service of Ukraine, SFPA, the Uzhhorod Regional Risk Analysis Center, and the Norwegian partner Apenhet (transparency).
Robert Gucký, director of the Border Police Office, explains in an interview that although the war in Ukraine is not over, the flow of migration is already beginning to turn: 'We have days when more people leave Slovakia back to Ukraine as vice versa.' About two thousand refugees from Ukraine come to Slovakia every day.
You will find out in the attached video interview how the Slovak-Ukrainian border is technically secured and how the number of illegal migrants entering Slovakia via Ukraine has changed.
The interview took place within the project Safe and Inclusive Border SK-UA (SIBSU). The project is implemented by the Border and Alien Police Office in cooperation with the Border Service of Ukraine, SFPA, the Uzhhorod Regional Risk Analysis Center and the Norwegian partner Apenhet (transparency).